FFAP and Ruby in Emacs

If you want to use FFAP (find-file-at-point) in ruby-mode you can add this to your .emacs (defvar ruby-program-name "ruby") (defun ruby-module-path(module) (shell-command-to-string (concat ruby-program-name " -e " "\"ret='()';$LOAD_PATH.each{|p| " "x=p+'/'+ARGV[0].gsub('.rb', '')+'.rb';" "ret=File.expand_path(x)" "if(File.exist?(x))};printf ret\" " module))) (eval-after-load "ffap" '(push '(ruby-mode . ruby-module-path) ffap-alist)) When you do ffap (i bind it to C-x f) near a require ‘PP’ for example it will find it in your ruby path.

May 4, 2008

Emacs config

To anyone interested my extensive Emacs configuration is available here : http://code.google.com/p/chmouel/source And here is the usual screen shot :

September 7, 2007

Always search before coding

This is a annoying, even if it take 5mn to code thing like that : (defun my-dired-rm-rf() "Rm -rf directories" (interactive) (let ((sel (selected-window))) (dolist (curFile (dired-get-marked-files)) (if (yes-or-no-p (concat "Do you want to remove \"" (file-name-nondirectory curFile) "\" ? ")) (progn (shell-command (concat "rm -rvf " curFile) "*Removing Directories*") (kill-buffer "*Removing Directories*") (select-window sel) (revert-buffer) ) )) )) you discover after a litlle while that if you have did a lilt bit of searching before, you will have discovered a variable call `dired-recursive-deletes` that would do the thing in a much better way. ...

February 11, 2007

Emacs nighly cvs snapshot with xft on Ubuntu Edgy

I wanted to try the latest cvs snapshot with XFT support, since i did not want to screw up more my workstation i have used packages instead of make install blindy. Basically i have a script called ./build.sh #!/bin/bash set -e d=$(date '+%Y%m%d') debpatch=20061218-1 mkdir -p cvs pushd cvs >/dev/null && { cvs -Q -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/emacs co -r emacs-unicode-2 emacs } && popd >/dev/null mkdir -p build [[ -d build/emacs-${d} ]] && rm -rf build/emacs-${d} cp -al cvs/emacs build/emacs-${d} zcat patches/emacs-snapshot_${debpatch}.diff.gz|patch -p1 -d build/emacs-${d} cat patches/with-font.patch|patch --silent -p1 -d build/emacs-${d} pushd build/emacs-${d} >/dev/null && { chmod +x debian/rules dch -v "1:${d}-1" "New snapshot." dch "Build with xft." fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b } && popd >/dev/null in patches/with-font.patch i have : ...

January 21, 2007

Rename bunch of file via regexp

To rename bunch of files via regexp i was using before a homegrown python script call rename-regexp.py{#p38} to change bunch of files with a regexp. But since then i discovered wdired which is pretty fantastic to use that from emacs. With the extended ``query-replace-regexp`` from Emacs22 stuff are much easier to rename.

January 7, 2007

My first webpage

Classic my first webpage is still on the web that was back in 98 and that was about Emacs :) http://membres.lycos.fr/crblinux/html/xemacs.html It is in french thought.

December 30, 2006

Xterm like Control-L in Eshell

If you want to emulate Control-L in Eshell (the Emacs Shell) like in Xterm, you can use this : (defun eshell-show-minimum-output () (interactive) (goto-char (eshell-beginning-of-output)) (set-window-start (selected-window) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (line-beginning-position))) (eshell-end-of-output)) And add a key bind to it in your custom hook : (local-set-key "\C-l" 'eshell-show-minimum-output)</p> <p>

December 28, 2006

Cheetah Mode for Emacs

Here is a simple html derived mode for Cheetah templates files. The font-locking regexp can be improved thought but that’s a start. (define-derived-mode cheetah-mode html-mode "Cheetah" (make-face 'cheetah-variable-face) (font-lock-add-keywords nil '( ("\\(#\\(from\\|else\\|include\\|set\\|import\\|for\\|if\\|end\\)+\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-type-face) ("\\(#\\(from\\|for\\|end\\)\\).*\\<\\(for\\|import\\|if\\|in\\)\\>" 3 font-lock-type-face) ("\\(\\$\\(?:\\sw\\|}\\|{\\|\\s_\\)+\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)) ) (font-lock-mode 1) ) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '( "\\.tmpl\\'" . cheetah-mode ) auto-mode-alist ))

July 31, 2006

Access Gajim within Emacs

Here is some function to launch a gajim window from Emacs : (defvar gajim-remote "/usr/bin/gajim-remote") (defvar gajim-user-list ()) (defun my-gajim-get-list() (save-excursion (with-temp-buffer (call-process gajim-remote nil t nil "list_contacts") (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^jid[ ]*:[ ]*\\(.*\\)$" (point-max) t ) (setq gajim-user-list (append gajim-user-list (list (match-string-no-properties 1))))))) gajim-user-list) (defun my-gajim-talk() (interactive) (let* ((ff (if (not gajim-user-list)(my-gajim-get-list) gajim-user-list)) (answer (completing-read "Jabber: " (mapcar (lambda (tt)(list tt)) ff)))) (message answer) (start-process "*GAJIM*" nil gajim-remote "open_chat" answer) ) ) (global-set-key '[(control x)(j)] 'my-gajim-talk) If Emacs had a dbus support that would have been cool. ...

July 31, 2006