The best ways to work with yaml files in Emacs

Sometime ago or at least when I started doing programming in the late 90s XML was all the rage, it promised to be the panacea for everything from data to storage to data presentation and processing. People realized that it was just complexity as Joel Spolski points out an attempt to make the complex seem accessible to ordinary people.. Really people were annoyed to write all those tags as those ‘<’ and ‘>’ are hard to reach on a qwerty keyboard. ...

September 7, 2016

Announcing the (Paris (Emacs) Meetup) Group

I am lucky to sit in front of Julien Danjou at work and as the sole Emacs users on the side of our office it was come to our attention that we needed as emacsian to unite ourselves to preach the good parole of the church of Emacs and sexy mens. It was quite obvious that the only way to convince those in the unkown was to find an excuse for drinks good food between good people and set-up a meetup. ...

March 31, 2014

How do I manage my copyright headers in Emacs

My day to day being work or personal is to create OpenSource code. As an habit I have taken lately I am adding licenses to all new files I am creating. I have historically used the `auto-insert-mode with a default template. For example for my newly created python files I would have this for configration : ;AutoInsert (auto-insert-mode 't) (setq auto-insert-alist '((python-mode . ""))) and in my `auto-insert-directory directory there would be a template with my license files. ...

March 14, 2014

emacs anything with magit

I have been using quite a bit the anything-mode for Emacs, it’s basically a Quicksilver/Alfred or Gnome-do for Emacs and allow to configure a lot of different sources to complete some chosen ‘source’with different actions. With my work on OpenStack I have found myself jumping a lot between git directories and due configured the variable ‘magit-repo-dirs for easy access to most of them easily. Plugging those two just seemed natural I had already this in my emacs to quickly open those magit repository directories : ...

February 10, 2013

Emacs and nosetests

Sometime you just need a long trans atlantic flight and a stupidly long stop-over in a random city to do some of those task that can improve your day to day but you never take some time to do it. When using emacs I wanted a simple way to launch a nosetests on the current function my cursor is in Emacs. The syntax on nosetests is a bit tricky and I actually always have to look at my shell history to know the proper syntax (nosetests directory/ ...

October 14, 2012

Customize face at point in Emacs

It’s probably interesting only for the hardcore Emacs users but the last CVS version of emacs (2009-12-17) get a nifty new improvement if you need to customize a face property. If you point on the text where you want to customize it will detect it automatically which face point you are on and ask you if this is what you want to customize (after launching the command M-x customize-face). No guessing around with list-face-displays anymore. ...

December 22, 2009

Emacs transparency with mouse wheel

Emacs is playing fancy on the latest version (since emacs 23) it has now support for transparency at least on Linux when you have a composited Windows Manager. As explained on the Emacs wiki here everything is controlled by this frame parameter like this : (set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(85 50)) I have automated the thing to allow the transparency to increase or decrease when combined with the alt key just put this code somewhere in your $HOME/.emacs or $HOME/.emacs.d/init.el : ...

September 16, 2009

python syntax warning in emacs

One of the best feature to have with Emacs when doing python development is to have a real time syntax error/warning check highlighted in your code to avoid many errors or superfluous code. This code is taken from the brillant Emacswiki python page. You need to install pyflakes first which should be available on your linux distro by default in a package or for the other OS you may follow the procedure from the pyflakes webpage. ...

August 31, 2009

emacs daemon and Xdefaults

It does not seems that emacs started with –daemon read the .Xdefauls resource it seems that the only way setting it is by the default-frame-alist variable. I have my setup like this : (setq default-frame-alist '((font-backend . "xft") (font . "Inconsolata-14") (vertical-scroll-bars) (left-fringe . -1) (right-fringe . -1) (fullscreen . fullboth) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0) )) PS: inconsolata font can be installed from the package ttf-inconsolata

August 11, 2009

Update Emacs/VIM tags with inotify

When you use the tags interface for Emacs or with VIM you have to generate your tag file everytime you have a new class or things get changed. Would not be cool to have inotify monitoring your project directory and run the etags command to generate it. With incron you have cron that can watch some portion of the filesystem and generate an action if certain event appears. So after installed (aptitude/urpmi) it I have configured this incrontab entry : ...

July 3, 2009