Upload to Rackspace Cloud Files in a shell script

I don’t really use much the GUI and always the command line so I don’t really use the Cloud File plugin I created for nautilus. So here is a shell script to upload to Rackspace Cloud Files and give you back a shortened URL of the public URL file. Great for quick sharing… You have to install the zenity binary first.. [Update: this is now available here https://github.com/chmouel/upcs]

June 9, 2010

Unit conversion from zsh

Quick conversion from shell :

June 6, 2010

connecting to self signed SSL certificate from Java on Debian/Ubuntu

You want to connect to self signed SSL certificate from Java using the standard HttpsURLConnection and you are getting this error, because the self signed certificate is obviously not recognized by Java : SEVERE: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:192) at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(SSLSocketImpl.java:1639) at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:215) at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:209) it seems that there is a lot of ‘solutions’ (read hack) or workaround around the web which is resumed well on this stack overflow article. ...

June 3, 2010

chrometophone and cyrket

Latest Froyo for Android have a nice feature for pushing messages to a Android phone, it’s called Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework. Someone at google has developped a nice extensions/apps for sending URL directly from google chrome web browser to your phone, it is called chrometophone and available here. I often use cyrket for browsing and installing new apps. I thought it could be nice to add support to chrome2phone when sending a cyrknet URL to my Nexus one to popup a market link to install the app sent. ...

May 25, 2010

Using Jython with the vCloud API

Lately I had to do a lot of works with the VMware VCloud product and since the python API did not seem available and I did not have the courage to use the PHP API I had to do most of the API works with Java. I never did any Java before and while I have found Eclipse+Java development surprisingly pleasant and easy to use/learn my favourite are still Emacs+Python. ...

May 17, 2010

When Oracle dbstart/dbshut does not do anything

If like me you are surprised by the fact that dbstart or dbshut does not do anything when launching it, just make sure to edit the /etc/oratab and have the last char as Y and not N. Like if it is like this : change it to this :

April 23, 2010

Howto use backtrack4 from hard disk with Grub2

If you want to boot backtrack4 from time to time on your Linux desktop/laptop but don’t want to carry it on a USB drive (or CDROM) on you then this guide may help. I am using Debian unstable on my laptop but I am sure you can adapt it to anything you want. I am using another partition (/dev/sda6) as my backtrack partition but it’s possible to copy the full thing in / as well on your main partition. ...

March 8, 2010

Get Facebook albums with python

Since I haven’t see much script like this around the web here is a quick script to suck bunch of albums from facebooks (your own) nothing fancy just something to get you started with pyfacebook. #!/usr/bin/python import os import urllib from facebook import Facebook # see http://developers.facebook.com/get_started.php # Your API key API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY" # Application secret key SECRET_KEY="YOUR_SECRET_KEY" cnx = Facebook(API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) cnx.auth.createToken() cnx.login() cnx.auth.getSession() def choose_albums(cnx): cnt = 1 ret={} bigthing=cnx.photos.getAlbums(cnx.uid) for row in bigthing: ret[cnt] = row['name'], row['aid'], row['link'] print "%d) %s - %s" % (cnt, row['name'], row['link']) cnt += 1 ans = raw_input("Choose albums (separated by ,): ") return [ret[int(row)] for row in ans.split(', ') ] chosen_albums = choose_albums(cnx) for album in chosen_albums: name, aid, _ = album print "Album: ", (name) ddir = "fbgallery/%s" % name if not os.path.exists(ddir): os.makedirs(ddir) for photo in cnx.photos.get(aid=aid): url = photo['src_big'] dest="%s/%s.jpg" % (ddir, photo['pid']) if not os.path.exists(dest): print "Getting: ", url urllib.urlretrieve(url, dest)

January 9, 2010

Twitter notification of replies by Email

I don’t check very often my twitter to know when someone replies and I find it hard to figure out what’s going on when i check a couple of days after even using a client showing only the reply (my client of choice lately is the Emacs twittering mode client) I have made a script who’s checking your direct reply and email it to you. This is to setup via a cron on a server who has a mail server configured locally. You can get it from here : ...

January 7, 2010

Customize face at point in Emacs

It’s probably interesting only for the hardcore Emacs users but the last CVS version of emacs (2009-12-17) get a nifty new improvement if you need to customize a face property. If you point on the text where you want to customize it will detect it automatically which face point you are on and ask you if this is what you want to customize (after launching the command M-x customize-face). No guessing around with list-face-displays anymore. ...

December 22, 2009