Getting openshift origin “cluster up” working with xhyve

In latest openshift client (oc) there is a nifty (relatively) new feature to get you a OpenShift cluster starting (very) quickly. It’s a pretty nice way to get you a new openshift origin environment on your laptop without the hassle. On macosx there is a (as well relatively) new lightweight virtualization solution called xhyve it’s a bit like KVM in the sense of being lightweight and does not need like virtualbox or vmware to get a UI running. It seemed to be a perfect fit to try those two together. ...

September 19, 2016

The best ways to work with yaml files in Emacs

Sometime ago or at least when I started doing programming in the late 90s XML was all the rage, it promised to be the panacea for everything from data to storage to data presentation and processing. People realized that it was just complexity as Joel Spolski points out an attempt to make the complex seem accessible to ordinary people.. Really people were annoyed to write all those tags as those ‘<’ and ‘>’ are hard to reach on a qwerty keyboard. ...

September 7, 2016

openshift-sdn with OpenStack SDN and MTU

I am lucky enough to have a cloud available to me for free it obviously runs OpenStack and I can kick VM like I want. Since I am playing with OpenShift a lot lately I have seen issues in that cloud where pushing an image to the internal registry was just randomly failing. Networking is definitely not my pedigree but I could definitely sense it was a networking issue. Since I could nost just blame the underlying cloud (hey it’s free!) I had to investigate a bit. ...

September 25, 2015

Deploy openshift router and registry only on a master nodes with no others

Something that has come up when using OpenShift and that was tricky enough to be shared on a blog post. On OpenShift you have this routers and registry which by default are on the master nodes and that’s fine. Things get tricky if you don’t want anything else in there. I finally figured this out after digging in some internal mailing lists and this is actually not too difficult. The key thing is to have this on the ‘default’ namespace annotations : ...

September 23, 2015

Using yaml for OpenShift v3 templates

I have been experimenting a lot with OpenShift v3 and love how everything work well together plugging Kubernetes and Docker with a PAAS workflow. One of the thing that I don’t get is to have to write manually verbose json templates, it’s wonderful for machines and to parse but writing it can get as painful as (dear I said it) XML. OpenShift natively support very nicely yaml files and it’s a straight conversion of what you would have in json format. ...

March 24, 2015

Building RPM with Docker images

For an internal project at work I have been thinking about more how to generate RPMs out of our CI. I wanted to have them produced as artifacts of the build so I can test how if they can be installed and properly working with some smoketests. Since we are using Docker for most of the things in our CI, I have been thinking about more about how to do that with docker images and RPM. ...

December 31, 2014

Use cases for Docker driven development.

So the trend these days is to talk about container all the things that usually involve Docker, it even has a now its own verb, people are now using the word ‘containerizing’ to describe packaging their application with Docker. A lot of the things happening lately in the Docker world is to solve how to get those containers in real production environments, there is people working on taking the ‘containerization’ philosophy to storage, networking or getting orchestration right ...

November 10, 2014

Avoiding race conditions between containers with docker and fig

I have been playing with docker quite a lot lately. The advantage for me is to be able to run functional tests easily and be able to document how deployment should be done of my software as a developer for my endusers (i.e: operators/admins). The advantage of this method is probably an article of its own which I won’t dig into today but just to give a tip for the existing users of fig/docker ...

November 4, 2014

Dox a tool that run python (or others) tests in a docker container

Sometime there is some ideas that are just obvious that they are good ideas. When Monty started to mention on the OpenStack development mailing list about a tool he was hacking on allowing to integrate docker containers to do the testing it was obvious it was those ideas that everybody was thinking about that it would be awesome if it was implemented and started to get used. ...

September 8, 2014

Announcing the (Paris (Emacs) Meetup) Group

I am lucky to sit in front of Julien Danjou at work and as the sole Emacs users on the side of our office it was come to our attention that we needed as emacsian to unite ourselves to preach the good parole of the church of Emacs and sexy mens. It was quite obvious that the only way to convince those in the unkown was to find an excuse for drinks good food between good people and set-up a meetup. ...

March 31, 2014