batzconverter – A multiple timezone converter

I write a lot of scripts to automate my day to day workflow, some of them I just wrote for 3h to save me 5mn only once and some others I write for about 5mn but save me hours of boreness and repetitive task. The script showed today, that I am proud of because of its usefulness and probably not of its code, is called “batzconverter” available on What the script is trying to solve is when you work with your team spread around 3/4 timezones, how do you schedule a meeting easily. ...

January 31, 2021

Building packages for multiple distros on launchpad with docker

I have been trying to build some packages for the ubuntu distros for a new program I have released, gnome-next-meeting-applet In short, it what quite painful! if you are quite new to the launchpad and debian packaging ways (which I wasn’t and yet It took me some time to figure out) you can get quite lost. I got to say that the fedora copr experience is much smoother. After a couple of frustrated google and stackoverflow searches and multiple tries I finally figured out a script that builds and upload properly to launchpad via docker to make it available to my users. ...

January 31, 2021

Tekton yaml templates and script feature

Don’t you love “yaml”, yes you do ! or at least that’s what the industry told you to love! When you were in school your teacher told you about “XML” and how it will solve all the industry problems (and there was many in the late 90s). But you learned that you hate reaching to your "<" and" ">" keys and rather have something else. So then the industry came up with “json” so computer or yourself can talk to each others, that’s nice for computers but actually not so nice for yourself it was actually a lie and was not made for yourself to read and write but only for comptures. So then the “industry” came up with yaml, indentation based? you get it and that’s humm all about it, now you are stuck counting whitespaces in a 3000 lines file trying to figure out where goes where…. ...

July 28, 2020

Deploying minishift on a remote laptop.

Part of my new job working with Fabric8 is to having it deployed via minishift. Everything is nice and working (try it it’s awesome as long you deploy it on your local workstation. The thing is that my desktop macosx laptop has only 8GB of RAM and is not very well up to the task to get all the services being deployed when I have my web browser and other stuff hogging the memory. I would not do on a remote VM since I want to avoid the nested virtualisationt part that may slow down things even more. ...

June 9, 2017

Getting a letsencrypt SSL certificate for the OpenShift console and API

By default when you install an OpenShift install it would automatically generate its own certificates. It uses those certificates for communication between nodes and as well to automatically auth the admin account. By default those same certificates are the one provided for the OpenShift console and API. Since it is auto generated you will when connecting to the website with you webbrowser get an ugly error message : and as the error message says that’s not very secure #sadpanda. ...

September 29, 2016

Easily test your OpenShift applications exposed by the router

OpenShift integrate1 a router based on HAproxy to expose your services to the outside world. Whenever your do a : it would expose by default the servicename this URL : The defaultSubdomain is usually a wildcard DNS record that you have configured in your domain server by your system administrator. ...

September 28, 2016

How to view openshift router (haproxy) stats

After you have installed your fancy openshift install and that it kicked the haproxy router automatically after install you may want to see the stats of the router. The HAproxy stats are exposed on the port 1936 where the router is located (usually on the master node) so first you need a way to access it. You can open it via your firewall (not ideal) or you can just port forward the port to your workstation via SSH : ...

September 27, 2016

Controlling Yamaha AV RX-A830 from command line

At home I have been using a Yamaha AV RX-A380, it’s an home teather audio video solution where you can plug about everything you need (like 7 hdmi channel, spoiler alert there is something wrong with you if you have that many devices) and output to two other hdmi channel (like a tv and a projector). It has integration for spotify, airplay, netradio and billions of connection to everything, just look at the damn back of this device : ...

September 23, 2016

The trick to get your wordpress behind a reverse proxy

I have been meaning to get this blog SSL protected for a while and since solution like letsencrypt makes it easy I have generated some SSL keys for my domain and configured it in apache. So far so good, but the thing is my VM at my hosting provider is pretty small and I have been using varnish for quite some time or I would get out of memory quickly some the kernel OOM killer kicking1 it. ...

September 22, 2016

Using python to drive OpenShift REST API

I have been meaning to automate my deployment directly from my small python application without having to use the openshift client (oc) directly. OpenShift use a REST API and the oc client uses it to communicate with the server, you can actually see all the REST operation the oc client is doing if you specify the –loglevel=7 (it goes to 10 to get even more debug info) : $ oc --loglevel=7 get pod 2>&1 |head -10 I0919 09:59:20.047350 77328 loader.go:329] Config loaded from file /Users/chmouel/.kube/config I0919 09:59:20.048149 77328 round_trippers.go:296] GET https://openshift:8443/oapi I0919 09:59:20.048158 77328 round_trippers.go:303] Request Headers: I0919 09:59:20.048162 77328 round_trippers.go:306] User-Agent: oc/v1.4.0 (darwin/amd64) openshift/85eb37b I0919 09:59:20.048175 77328 round_trippers.go:306] Authorization: Bearer FOOBAR I0919 09:59:20.048180 77328 round_trippers.go:306] Accept: application/json, */* I0919 09:59:20.095239 77328 round_trippers.go:321] Response Status: 200 OK in 47 milliseconds I0919 09:59:20.096056 77328 round_trippers.go:296] GET https://openshift:8443/version I0919 09:59:20.096078 77328 round_trippers.go:303] Request Headers: I0919 09:59:20.096084 77328 round_trippers.go:306] User-Agent: oc/v1.4.0 (darwin/amd64) openshift/85eb37b I was thinking to come up with my own python rest wrapper since a google quick search didn’t come up with any binding. But since openshift is build on kubernetes and fully compatible with it (i.e: no fork or changes that make it incompatible) it was as easy as using the tools provided for kube. ...

September 19, 2016