rsync like backup to Rackspace Cloud File with duplicity

It seems that there is no much documentation about how to do rsync like backup with duplicty so here it is : Install python-cloudfiles from here #!/bin/bash UPLOAD_TO_CONTAINER="backup" #adjust it as you like export CLOUDFILES_USERNAME=Your Username export CLOUDFILES_APIKEY=API_KEY_YOU_GOT export PASSPHRASE=The Passphrase for your encrypted backup duplicity /full/path cf+http://${UPLOAD_TO_CONTAINER} This should take care to upload the backup files to the backup container. It does that incrementally and detect the changes to your file system to upload. There is much more option for duplicity look at the manpage for more info. ...

September 2, 2009

Upload to Rackspace Cloud files from GNOME nautilus

After seeing this script which allow to upload files with the file manager (finder) of MacosX to Rackspace Cloud Files, I have made a nautilus script that doe the same for us Gnome/Unix users. Available here :

September 2, 2009

python syntax warning in emacs

One of the best feature to have with Emacs when doing python development is to have a real time syntax error/warning check highlighted in your code to avoid many errors or superfluous code. This code is taken from the brillant Emacswiki python page. You need to install pyflakes first which should be available on your linux distro by default in a package or for the other OS you may follow the procedure from the pyflakes webpage. ...

August 31, 2009

emacs daemon and Xdefaults

It does not seems that emacs started with –daemon read the .Xdefauls resource it seems that the only way setting it is by the default-frame-alist variable. I have my setup like this : (setq default-frame-alist '((font-backend . "xft") (font . "Inconsolata-14") (vertical-scroll-bars) (left-fringe . -1) (right-fringe . -1) (fullscreen . fullboth) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0) )) PS: inconsolata font can be installed from the package ttf-inconsolata

August 11, 2009

Network manager and iwl3945 not showing network

So if you have network-manager not detecting wireless networks it is probably because lately the driver need to be set as up to get the thing going. On my Debian I have added this to make it works : echo "/sbin/ip link set wlan0 up"|sudo tee /etc/default/NetworkManager

August 10, 2009

Better output from sqlite3 command line

That weird output from sqlite3 command line is annoying you as well ? Just set this up to get something better : cat < <EOF>~/.sqliterc .mode "column" .headers on .explain on EOF

July 15, 2009

Update Emacs/VIM tags with inotify

When you use the tags interface for Emacs or with VIM you have to generate your tag file everytime you have a new class or things get changed. Would not be cool to have inotify monitoring your project directory and run the etags command to generate it. With incron you have cron that can watch some portion of the filesystem and generate an action if certain event appears. So after installed (aptitude/urpmi) it I have configured this incrontab entry : ...

July 3, 2009

Debian Lenny on Dell Optiplex 760

So if you get that shiny new Dell desktop and ACPI spit bunch of message at the install time and the network driver does not get detected you can follow these steps to have it working. Continue the install without the network until you reboot to grub. Add hpet=disable at the end of the boot kernel parameter and get into the system. Download the latest kernel for your architecture on : ...

June 16, 2009

What type of MySQL table schemas

Since I always forget stuff like this. This is the SQL query to detect mysql table schemas type (thanks to Darren.B) : SELECT table_name, table_schema, table_type, engine FROM information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'mysql');

May 11, 2009

Using ProxyCommand with OpenSSH and a Bastion server.

So at work we have to use a bastion host for all our connections to servers to be able to get called PCI compliant. This kind of stuff could be a pain to use when you have to use another host to do RSYNC/SCP or other stuff that need direct transfer to workstation. Thankfully OpenSSH is very flexible and have multiple options to easy the pain. If you add this to your ~/.ssh/config : ...

February 8, 2009