One of the early goals of Pipelines as Code on Tekton was to ensure the project’s CI could run using itself.

The common use case of validating pull requests was quickly implemented, and you can find more information about it in this walkthrough video:

For slightly more advanced use cases, here is how we created a release pipeline for the project.

The goal is that when we tag a release and push the tags to the GitHub repository, it will:

  • Generate the release.yaml file for that version, allowing users to automatically run _kubectl apply -f-_.
  • Upload the release.yaml to a release-${version} branch.
  • Generate the tkn-pac binaries for different operating systems.
  • Create the GitHub release.

Repository Configuration

To achieve this, I created a Repository Custom Resource (CR) in the pipelines-as-code-ci namespace:

kind: Repository
  name: pipelines-as-code

The key part is the branch and event_type fields, which specify that all pushed tags should be handled and run in the pipelines-as-code-ci namespace.

PipelineRun Configuration

Next, I created a release-pipeline.yaml PipelineRun in the .tekton directory, adding the necessary annotations: "[push]" "[refs/tags/*]"

This configuration ensures the PipelineRun handles all push tag events.


In the tasks, I included the git-clone task and a custom version of the goreleaser task, located in the repository at .tekton/task/goreleaser.yaml.

The annotation for these tasks looks like this: "[git-clone, .tekton/tasks/goreleaser.yaml]"

Goreleaser simplifies many tasks for us. It compiles binaries, creates a GitHub release, and can generate a Homebrew release in the openshift-pipelines/homebrew-pipelines-as-code repository. This allows users on macOS or LinuxBrew to easily install it:

brew install openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code/tektoncd-pac

Uploading the Release

Uploading the release.yaml is handled by a Python script I wrote:

The script fetches the tag SHA, creates a release-${tagversion} branch, and pushes the file into it. This provides a stable branch with all artifacts specific to that version.

Final Steps

After everything is in place, I edit the GitHub release, update a few fields for a nicer presentation, and set it as a release (by default, Goreleaser creates a prerelease).

GitHub Release Screenshot

Here are links to all the related files: