I have been meaning to automate my deployment directly from my small python application without having to use the openshift client (oc) directly.

OpenShift use a REST API and the oc client uses it to communicate with the server, you can actually see all the REST operation the oc client is doing if you specify the –loglevel=7 (it goes to 10 to get even more debug info) :

$ oc --loglevel=7 get pod 2>&1 |head -10
I0919 09:59:20.047350   77328 loader.go:329] Config loaded from file /Users/chmouel/.kube/config
I0919 09:59:20.048149   77328 round_trippers.go:296] GET https://openshift:8443/oapi
I0919 09:59:20.048158   77328 round_trippers.go:303] Request Headers:
I0919 09:59:20.048162   77328 round_trippers.go:306]     User-Agent: oc/v1.4.0 (darwin/amd64) openshift/85eb37b
I0919 09:59:20.048175   77328 round_trippers.go:306]     Authorization: Bearer FOOBAR
I0919 09:59:20.048180   77328 round_trippers.go:306]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0919 09:59:20.095239   77328 round_trippers.go:321] Response Status: 200 OK in 47 milliseconds
I0919 09:59:20.096056   77328 round_trippers.go:296] GET https://openshift:8443/version
I0919 09:59:20.096078   77328 round_trippers.go:303] Request Headers:
I0919 09:59:20.096084   77328 round_trippers.go:306]     User-Agent: oc/v1.4.0 (darwin/amd64) openshift/85eb37b

I was thinking to come up with my own python rest wrapper since a google quick search didn’t come up with any binding. But since openshift is build on kubernetes and fully compatible with it (i.e: no fork or changes that make it incompatible) it was as easy as using the tools provided for kube.

The first project coming up on the google search is pykube and it’s easily installable with pip.

You need to provide a kubeconfig that was already setup (with username/passwd) or already identified if it’s token based (i.e: oauth, oid etc) and you can use this example like this :

import pykube
api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file("/Users/chmouel/.kube/config"))
pods = pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace="test")
for x in pods:

see the documentation of pykub on its website