I have been using quite a bit the anything-mode for Emacs, it’s basically a Quicksilver/Alfred or Gnome-do for Emacs and allow to configure a lot of different sources to complete some chosen ‘source’with different actions.
With my work on OpenStack I have found myself jumping a lot between git directories and due configured the variable ‘magit-repo-dirs for easy access to most of them easily.
Plugging those two just seemed natural I had already this in my emacs to quickly open those magit repository directories :
(global-set-key (read-kbd-macro "C-S-o") '(lambda ()(interactive) (dired (magit-read-top-dir nil))))
But going with anything is much nicer and I can add another action for openning the source to magit so I quickly came up with this magit source :
[gist id=“4751125” file=“anything-magit.el”]
so now I open my different OpenStack Swift projects quickly with only a few keyboard touch (I bind my custom anything function to C-z) which shows graphically like this :
as always my full emacs config is available here: