Lately I had to do a lot of works with the VMware VCloud product and since the python API did not seem available and I did not have the courage to use the PHP API I had to do most of the API works with Java. I never did any Java before and while I have found Eclipse+Java development surprisingly pleasant and easy to use/learn my favourite are still Emacs+Python.

I have then started to look over Jython to see if I can interact easily with Java via Python and this was actually pretty easy, it took me less than 10mn to convert a Login/Listing-VAPPS script in Jython.

The script is attached at the end of this post (or on github gist here). Don’t forget to adjust the classpath variable mine are defined like that :

commons-codec-1.3.jar commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar rest-api-schemas-1.0.0.jar vcloud-java-sdk-0.9.jar vCloudJavaSDK-samples.jar

import sys

from org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol import Protocol
from com.vmware.vcloud.sdk  import VcloudClient, Organization, Vdc
from com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.samples import FakeSSLSocketFactory

class VcloudLogin(object):
    VcloudLogin: Login to vcloud class
    vcloudClient = None
    api_version = None
    vcloud_url = None

    def __init__(self, vcloud_url, api_version):
        # This is needed if you have a self certified certificate
        # remove it if you have a proper SSL certs.
        self.vcloud_url = vcloud_url
        self.api_version = api_version

    def setup_fake_ssl(self):
        https = Protocol("https", FakeSSLSocketFactory(), 443)
        Protocol.registerProtocol("https", https)

    def login(self, username, password):
        versions = VcloudClient.getSupportedVersions(self.vcloud_url + "/api/versions")
        self.vcloudClient = VcloudClient(versions.get(self.api_version))
        return self.vcloudClient.login(username, password)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    vcl = VcloudLogin(URL, API_VERSION)
    organizations_list = vcl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)

    for org in organizations_list.values():
        for vdcLink in \
                Organization.getOrganizationByReference(vcl.vcloudClient, org).getVdcLinks():
            vdc = Vdc.getVdc(vcl.vcloudClient, vdcLink)
            print "VDC Href: %s\n" % (vdcLink.getHref())
            for vapps in vdc.getVappRefs():
                print "Name: %s URL: %s" % (vapps.getName(), vapps.getHref())